Project 5 and 6 November 2011

Project 5 This is the diptych - mechanical object. The painting is based on my beautiful old hand-drill. I was thinking of the houses I've renovated and how I had to learn to use tools as I went along because I went to a 'home science' school for girls where I learned to 'set' a breakfast tray and make cinnamon toast! Nothing as useful as woodwork - that was a male domain. I was also looking at Picabia's mechanical drawings and I have appropriated the subtitle of one of his works - machine turn quickly - for the title of my painting - Homme et Femme. The text in the paintings refer to my high school and to Kurt Schwitters notion that machines are abstractions of the human spirit.

Project 6
This series of 6 small paintings (40cmx40cm) are called Palimpsest and they refer to what David Malouf describes as 'sprawlingly unlovely' Brisbane. The architectural elements in the paintings are my sketches screen-printed onto the canvas. Brisbane people tend not to value or acknowledge any part of their history. They are forever renewing - building over, but paradoxically there are pockets, houses, which are almost completely derelict - just crumbling away. And the crow? she just watches and learns new ways of survival.
